Data Centre
UTM Data Center is the only government agency Data Center certified with
ANSI/TIA-942:2017 (Build -up & Design).
Data Centre UTMDigital
UTM Data Center service more than 350 physical server and accommodate up to 2520U size of physical server which is 840U of size in use.
It is therefore vital that the mission-critical Data Center is designed, maintained and operated with high-availability and efficiency in mind. When building and operating a data center one wants to ensure that it has been designed and built based on globally accepted standards, yet have the flexibility to adapt to the business requirements.
The ANSI/TIA-942 is often chosen for a number of factors including;- It is a standard issued by a non-profit organization
– TIA is accredited by ANSI
– The standard is publicly available leading to great transparency
– The standard covers all aspects of the physical data center including site location, architecture, security, safety, fire suppression, electrical, mechanical and telecommunication
It is therefore vital that the mission-critical Data Center is designed, maintained and operated with high-availability and efficiency in mind. When building and operating a data center one wants to ensure that it has been designed and built based on globally accepted standards, yet have the flexibility to adapt to the business requirements.
The ANSI/TIA-942 is often chosen for a number of factors including;- It is a standard issued by a non-profit organization
– TIA is accredited by ANSI
– The standard is publicly available leading to great transparency
– The standard covers all aspects of the physical data center including site location, architecture, security, safety, fire suppression, electrical, mechanical and telecommunication

Digital Care
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UTMDigital JB
Block D07
Department of Digital Services
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Johor Bahru
Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia
Counter Operating Hours
Sun – Wed: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Thurs: 8.30am – 3.00pm
Break Hours : 1.00pm – 2.00pm
Fri – Sat: Closed
Thurs: 8.30am – 3.00pm
Break Hours : 1.00pm – 2.00pm
Fri – Sat: Closed
Call (Digital Care)
(6) 07 533 2136
Email (Digital Care)

UTMDigital KL
Department of Digital Services
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra
54100 Kuala Lumpur
Counter Operating Hours
Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Break Hours : 1.00pm – 2.00pm (Mon – Thurs)
12.15pm – 2.45pm (Fri)
Sat – Sun: Closed
Break Hours : 1.00pm – 2.00pm (Mon – Thurs)
12.15pm – 2.45pm (Fri)
Sat – Sun: Closed
Call (Digital Care KL)
(6) 03 4819 9990