Managed IT Services & Event Support

Provide to IT Services and Event Support into the technology global

Event / Video Conference / Live Streaming / Meeting Online

A description of the video conference process, a list of available spaces, and a mandatory application form.

Video Conference/Live Streaming

Video Conferencing (VC) is the conduct of a video conference (also known as a video conference or video teleconference) by a set of telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to communicate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions. We provide video conferencing and live streaming services for UTMJB to UTMKL and  UTMJB/UTMKL to other location.

Video Conferencing reservation is open from 8.00am to 5.00pm, Sunday to Thursday. Reservations must be made at least 3 days prior to the conference date and testing/preparation will be made 1 day before the video conference takes place.

Location on UTMJB
  • UTMDigital (D07) : Bilik Mesyuarat Utama (BMU), Bilik Mesyuarat Eksekutif, Bilik Perbincangan, Bilik Sangfor, Bilik Think Thank, Bilik Ruckus, Bilik Exmedia, Bilik Aruba, Bilik Juniper, Bilik TM, Bilik HIK, Bilik Seminar, Bilik Latihan 1, Bilik Jamuan & Dewan Seminar


  • Bangunan Canselori Sultan Ismail (BCSI) : Bilik Mesyuarat Utama (BMU), Dewan Senat


  • Dewan Sultan Iskandar (DSI)
Location on UTMKL & Pagoh


  • Menara Razak :
    • Bilik Mesyuarat LPU
    • Bilik Mesyuarat Canseleri
    • Bilik Ilmuan 1
    • Dewan Azman Hashim
  • UTMDKL :
    • Bilik Sindiket UTMD
    • Bilik CyberHub 2


  • Bilik Mesyuarat Fotosintesis
Request Form - Techincal Services (Video Conference / Event Support)
Video Conference - Guidline

What People Are Saying

Team teknikal UTMDigital memang dah tahu flow setiap event dan event MOU. Apa output yang event nak, mereka semua dah tahu.

Encik Redha

Pegawai Tadbir, Jabatan Canseleri

Bagus team UTMDigital. Call terus datang. Respond cepat. Mesyuarat JPU sentiasa berjalan lancar. Jutaan terima kasih UTMDigital.

Encik Badrul

Pembantu Tadbir, Jabatan Canseleri

Bagus team ni. Datang awal untuk setup dan standby dalam event. Mintak tolong jek, terus cepat sampai.

Encik Ismail

Pembantu Operasi, Jabatan Timbalan Naib Canselor (Pembangunan)

Selesa kerja dengan mereka. Apa yang kita nak, mereka bagi untuk event. Mereka juga memudahkan urusan teknikal kami juga.

Encik Shamsulrizal

Penolong Jurutera Kanan, Fakulti Sains Sosial & Kemanusiaan

Digital Care

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UTMDigital JB

Block D07
Department of Digital Services
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Johor Bahru
Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia

Counter Operating Hours

Sun – Wed: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Thurs: 8.30am – 3.00pm
Break Hours : 1.00pm – 2.00pm
Fri – Sat: Closed

Call (Digital Care)

(6) 07 533 2136

Email (Digital Care)

UTMDigital KL

Department of Digital Services
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra
54100 Kuala Lumpur

Counter Operating Hours

Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Break Hours : 1.00pm – 2.00pm (Mon – Thurs)
12.15pm – 2.45pm (Fri)
Sat – Sun: Closed

Call (Digital Care KL)

(6) 03 4819 9990